How to count lines of code in Bitbucket to decide what SonarQube license you need

October 29, 2020
#Reporting#How To#Bitbucket
10 min

SonarQube is a tool used to identify software metrics and technical debt in the source code through static analysis. While the Community Edition is free and open-source, the Developer, Enterprise, and Data Center editions are priced per instance per year and based on the number of lines of code (LOC). If you want to buy a license for SonarQube, you need to count lines of code for Bitbucket projects and repositories you want to analyze. 

Awesome Graphs for Bitbucket offers you different ways of getting this information in the Data Center and Server versions. In this post, we’ll show how you can count LOC for your Bitbucket instance, projects, or repositories, using the Awesome Graphs’ REST API resources and Python.

How to count lines of code for the whole Bitbucket instance

Getting lines of code statistics for an instance is pretty straightforward and will only require making one call to the REST API. Here is an example of the curl command:

curl -X GET -u username:password ""

And the response will look like this:


It returns the number of lines added and deleted. So, to get the total, you’ll simply need to subtract the number of deleted from the added.

Please note that blank lines are also counted in lines of code statistics in this and the following cases.

How to count lines of code for each project in the instance

You can also use the REST API resource to get the LOC for a particular project, but doing this for each project in your instance will definitely take a while. That’s why we are going to automate this process with a simple Python script that will run through all of your projects, count the total LOC for each one, and then will save the list of project keys with their total LOC to a CSV file.

The resulting CSV will look like this:

And here is the script to get it:

import requests
import csv
import sys

bitbucket_url = sys.argv[1]
bb_api_url = bitbucket_url + '/rest/api/latest'
ag_api_url = bitbucket_url + '/rest/awesome-graphs-api/latest'

s = requests.Session()
s.auth = (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

def get_project_keys():

    projects = list()

    is_last_page = False

    while not is_last_page:
        request_url = bb_api_url + '/projects'
        response = s.get(request_url, params={'start': len(projects), 'limit': 25}).json()

        for project in response['values']:
        is_last_page = response['isLastPage']

    return projects

def get_total_loc(project_key):

    url = ag_api_url + '/projects/' + project_key + '/commits/statistics'
    response = s.get(url).json()
    total_loc = response['linesOfCode']['added'] - response['linesOfCode']['deleted']

    return total_loc

with open('total_loc_per_project.csv', mode='a', newline='') as report_file:

    report_writer = csv.writer(report_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
    report_writer.writerow(['project_key', 'total_loc'])

    for project_key in get_project_keys():
        print('Processing project', project_key)
        report_writer.writerow([project_key, get_total_loc(project_key)])

To make this script work, you’ll need to install the requests in advance, the csv and sys modules are available in Python out of the box. You need to pass three arguments to the script when executed: the URL of your Bitbucket, login, password. Here’s an example:

py login password

How to count lines of code for each repository in the project

This case is very similar to the previous one, but this script will get the total LOC for each repository in the specified project. Here, the resulting CSV file will include the list of repo slugs in the specified project and their LOC totals:

Counting lines of code for each repository in Bitbucket

The script:

import requests
import csv
import sys

bitbucket_url = sys.argv[1]
bb_api_url = bitbucket_url + '/rest/api/latest'
ag_api_url = bitbucket_url + '/rest/awesome-graphs-api/latest'

s = requests.Session()
s.auth = (sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

project_key = sys.argv[4]

def get_repos(project_key):
    repos = list()

    is_last_page = False

    while not is_last_page:
        request_url = bb_api_url + '/projects/' + project_key + '/repos'
        response = s.get(request_url, params={'start': len(repos), 'limit': 25}).json()
        for repo in response['values']:
        is_last_page =  response['isLastPage']

    return repos

def get_total_loc(repo_slug):

    url = ag_api_url + '/projects/' + project_key + \
          '/repos/' + repo_slug + '/commits/statistics'
    response = s.get(url).json()
    total_loc = response['linesOfCode']['added'] - response['linesOfCode']['deleted']

    return total_loc

with open('total_loc_per_repo.csv', mode='a', newline='') as report_file:
    report_writer = csv.writer(report_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
    report_writer.writerow(['repo_slug', 'total_loc'])

    for repo_slug in get_repos(project_key):
        print('Processing repository', repo_slug)
        report_writer.writerow([repo_slug, get_total_loc(repo_slug)])

You need to pass the URL of your Bitbucket, login, password, project key, which will look as follows:

py login password PROJECTKEY

Want to learn more?

We should note that the total LOC we get in each case shows the number of lines added minus lines deleted for all branches. Due to these peculiarities, some repos may have negative LOC numbers, so it might be useful to look at the LOC for a default branch and compare it to the LOC for all branches.

If you would like to learn how to get this information, write here in the comments or create a request in our Help Center, and we’ll cover it in future posts!

You can also check how to search for commits in Bitbucket, read our blog post that suggests three different ways of how you can do this.