Year in Review: The Most-Read Blog Posts of 2018

December 28, 2018
11 min

2018 is almost over – so it’s high time for us to look back and review the most popular topics of the year highlighted in our blog. This is the last blog post of the year and we do hope that over the past 12 months you’ve learned something new and interesting from the articles we posted every week.

You can check the five most-read articles of 2017 that caught your attention more than any others last year. So what were the most popular posts of 2018? Here is the list of the topics that trended in our blog:

  1. Collaboration on Backlog With External Users in Jira
  2. 9 Confluence Best Practices Your Users Should Know
  3. Calendar of Atlassian Events 2018
  4. How to Create Education Courses Right in Confluence
  5. 5 New Confluence Apps to Level Up Your Productivity – Fourth Quarter 2017

1. Collaboration on Backlog With External Users in Jira

The blog post about how to give external users visibility into your work stream in Jira leads the list of the most-read articles of this year. We described various ways you can use to collaborate on projects with your customers, partners or colleagues that do not have an account in Jira. Making each customer a Jira user is not a very scalable solution.

So what to choose from?

custommer support portal Jira

Each solution has its pros and cons, so it’s up to you to decide which of the suggested options to choose.

2. 9 Confluence Best Practices Your Users Should Know

The guest blog post written by Balkis Khouni, an Atlassian certified consultant at Valiantys, takes the second place in our chart. Confluence is a useful team collaboration tool with an intuitive interface, but a good place to start is with the nine best practices for effective communication and information sharing outlined by Valiantys.

Here is a brief overview of the nine Confluence best practices suggested by Valiantys:

  1. Identify the list of spaces you need to create
  2. Take the time to define your page structure
  3. Use page templates
  4. Increase productivity by using Confluence macros
  5. Organize your attachments
  6. Avoid redundant content
  7. Label your content
  8. Grant permissions wisely
  9. Train Confluence users to adopt best practices

3. Calendar of Atlassian Events 2018

This year we created the calendar of Atlassian events to help our users get organized because sometimes it can be hard to find all the events hosted by Atlassian vendors in one place. For example, in 2018 Atlassian announced the first-ever world tour of Atlassian team both in Europe and USA. We have great news for you because they will repeat this success in 2019 introducing the enterprise edition of the tour.

Moreover, Atlassian users can always find something interesting participating in local Atlassian events organized by such vendors as catWorkX, Meta-INF, DEISEReazyBIValiantys.

Atlassian events

We will definitely make a list of the upcoming Atlassian events of 2019. So stay tuned not to miss important events of Atlassian ecosystem.

4. How to Create Education Courses Right in Confluence

The next blog post looks at one of the most efficient ways to create education courses in Confluence. It describes the handy features of Courses and Quizzes – LMS for Confluence.

This app allows you create training courses, various quizzes for you employees and customers providing them with the opportunity to take courses in Confluence at their own pace from the comfort of their own desk using the UI they are familiar with.

You can populate your course with YouTube videos, images, PDF files, and more to keep it interesting and hold everybody’s attention. The best thing is that you can educate your team members or participants who are not Confluence users.

5. 5 New Confluence Apps to Level Up Your Productivity – Fourth Quarter 2017

The fifth place goes to our digest article listing new apps for Confluence that appeared on the Atlassian Marketplace in the fourth quarter of 2017. Here are some details of how these apps work.

That’s it, these are our five most popular blogs of this year.

The StiltSoft team wants to thank you for reading our articles, sharing and subscribing. Please, let us know more about the topics you want to find in our blog. Please, feel free to comment below.

We wish you all the best in 2019. Have a healthy and prosperous New Year!