Interactive Page Properties Reports in Confluence Cloud

September 22, 2020
#Confluence Tutorial#Confluence
7 min

Teams of all types and sizes choose Confluence because every team member can take advantage of this scalable tool and tailor it to their needs, whether they create engaging content or structure tasks to balance deadlines.

Today, we will focus on how this robust solution can help business analysts organize and track requirements to better communicate project progress to the stakeholders.

We will highlight this platform’s native capabilities and show you how you can power up it with Handy Macros for Confluence saving your team a lot of time and effort.

Native Confluence tools to gather requirements

When business analysts work with customers, they use Confluence to collate their clients’ requests and needs. To speed up and organize the process of gathering information, they can use the Page Properties and Page Properties Report macros that work together to help the BA team create seamless pages with requirements.

They add essential information to each Confluence page reflecting due dates, statuses, lists with product versions, sprints, information about releases, and more.

This report provides the technical team with a bird’s-eye view of multiple Confluence pages with project requirements. Moreover, it can be useful for project managers because they get a quick way to plan releases jumping through a long list of project requirements for easy reference.

The only downside is that you need to remember all status names your team uses per project since you need to manually enter the status name and choose its color in the page edit mode once you want to change it. When typing the status name in a hurry, it can be easy to make a typo or choose the wrong color, which may cause mistakes and confusion in other departments.

Different status names with the same colors may confuse your team.

Moreover, if you need to update dates in your project requirements, you know that the only way to do that is to edit the page. It can be a challenging task when you summarize a ton of related pages in one report. This means that you need to constantly switch between pages to update essential information.

So your team can do this routine the hard way spending their time on manual updates or choose the easy way and take advantage of Handy Macros for Confluence.

Power-ups for your Page Properties Report

Handy Macros for Confluence equips users with the Handy Status and Handy Date macros. These interactive tools make it a lot easier for your colleagues to plan their work and capture key details of the project.

Now any user can create their own set of statuses that every team member can use. For example, business analysts can prioritize requirements with the help of interactive statuses.

The best thing is that you can easily change statuses right in the page view mode.

This means that there is no need to manually update thousands of statuses in dozens of documents. Choose the required status on the fly to make the review of requirements easy. Additionally, users can change dates without editing the page.

Just pick the date, click the Apply button to update the date in the page view mode.

You got a meaningful report that can help your team capture critical details like due dates, description, priority, and task status of your project requirements.

You can identify the goals, priority, and task status at a glance.

Better organization of project requirements: things to keep in mind

  1. Summarize project requirements in an easily digestible way
  2. Add interactivity to your Confluence pages
    1. Install Handy Macros for Confluence
    2. Create as many status sets as you need to better communicate task progress to your stakeholders
    3. Pick new dates for milestones and deadlines in a flash
    4. Update reports right in the page view mode

Imagine how much time your team can save on editing dates and statuses with the help of this handy solution. The Handy Macros app is also available for Data Center.