Jira TeamCity Integration App is Available for Atlassian Jira 6

May 23, 2013
2 min

JIRA 6 is finally out there! Another major version of Atlassian popular project tracker arrived on May 21th, piling on new features.

The most conspicuous new feature is definitely a new JIRA look and feel redesigned according to Atlassian Guidelines. We also love the mobile-optimised versions of JIRA pages, which is great if you use JIRA on your smartphone. Other nice features include the improved issue navigator, workflow sharing and editable usernames and many more. Upgrade your JIRA instance to discover all new feautures.

 Atlassian Jira 6If you’re using our JIRA TeamCity Integration plugin and are planning to upgrade to JIRA 6, we already have a version compatible with it! JIRA TeamCity Integration adds a special tab to the Issue, Project and Version pages in your JIRA so that you could see related TeamCity builds without switching between the two systems.

JIRA TeamCity Integration Moreover, with this plugin you can follow links in JIRA to see more info directly in TeamCity. And a special gadget allows you to track TeamCity agents’ status in JIRA.

Go ahead and update your JIRA and JIRA TeamCity Integration plugin and give us your feedback. However, JIRA 4.x users should take into account that the latest version of the plugin is not compatible with it.

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