How to Ace Employee Certification in Atlassian Confluence

April 14, 2023
#How To#Confluence#Learning Management
10 min

Today companies that invest in employee training open the door to new business opportunities and are more attractive to their potential workforce. These organizations need a way to check the level of skills, experience and expertise of their employees on a continuous basis. Some choose professional certification for that. While it is required for certain professions (doctors, pilots, emergency medical technicians, for example), many employers turn to professional certification voluntary. Why? Here are some of the reasons:

  1. Certified employees prove that they have what it takes to be effective making their employer feel more confident
  2. Personal sense of achievement fuels individual’s drive to work even better and harder
  3. Improved skills enable staff to undertake a greater variety of work
  4. Credibility boost in the eyes of company’s clients when its workers stay up-to-date on the hottest trends in their industry
  5. Successful certification may result in income and/or status increase both for the employee and the organization
  6. Companies need a way to identify knowledge gaps reducing potential risks, especially in critical areas such as safety
  7. We all love being rewarded, after all

There are plenty professional certifications provided by professional societies and associations, as well as companies (such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Amazon, Salesforce, etc.) interested in raising industry standards. In addition to going with third-party certifications, you can create your own internal ones. They are likely to have less credibility for clients compared to third-part certifications, but will be most relevant covering your unique processes, requirements and best practices.

In this blog, we will tell you more about internal certification with and without training and will also highlight a way to check if your employees are ready to take a third-party certification.

Employee certification in Confluence

To prepare for internal or third-party certification you can:

  1. use a separate learning management system (LMS) to help employees engage with training content
  2. encourage your team to get ready on their own
  3. create training courses in Confluence

If your company uses Atlassian Confluence, you can organize internal certification or set up preparation to a third-party professional certification using izi – LMS for Confluence – create certification training courses and/or certification quizzes (tests). You can make training and certification more appealing for your team because they will use the platform they already know. All you need to do is to populate your Confluence with the proper materials to train and educate your team.

The izi LMS app offers various options to choose from when it comes to certification.

Internal Certification with Prior Training

Having all of the required information to get certified on hand in Confluence LMS will make everyone’s life a lot easier. This means that you can provide your employees with training and education right in Confluence.

Your learning administrator can create a course with multiple modules divided by topics, time period, and more. The app also allows you to build self-check tests after each learning section to evaluate students’ knowledge. Or you can add only the final test every participant must take to complete the course and get certified. This way you can easily assess competences and skills of employees.

Your employees can train online at their own pace learning the information in each module.

The course administrator can easily check the results of all the participants.

Internal Certification Test

Regular internal certification tests help you confirm that the individual possesses the experience and skills to perform a specific job or uncovers the lack of knowledge about an organization’s products, services, policies, safety practices etc.

For internal certification tests that don’t require prior training, you can create quizzes (tests) using various types of questions. Moreover, you can reuse questions from other Confluence quizzes on related topics.

The izi LMS app allows you to easily enroll both Confluence users and people outside your system. This might be helpful when you need to certify people who are not working in your company.

You can track the certification progress of your employees checking how each participant did and the score each person got.

This way you can see the status of all their certifications and training requirements in one place.

Readiness Check for Third-Party Certification

As a manager, you need to keep an eye on anything that might impact the process of employee certification. So in case another company certifies your team members, it is better to check onsite if your employees are ready to get certified. This way you can save company’s time and money and certify only well-trained personnel.

You can create quizzes to assess knowledge, competences and skills of the people who are going to obtain certification off-site. So all quiz participants must complete the quiz successfully to get a certification permit. Just set the pass target, the number of attempts and the time limit and then track the results.

Take your employee certification to the next level

Certifications act as benchmarks for employee competency and performance. Whether you’re assessing knowledge of your team or aiming to increase their skills, staying on top of certifications is a key part of running an effective workplace.

Use izi – LMS for Confluence to make sure all of your employees are meeting industry standards. Constant certification in Confluence can help your team increase available skills, achieve their goals and tackle everyday challenges.

You can check the sample training courses and try them either as a participant or as an administrator. You can also use our demo site to try out this app and discover its features with no need to install it.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this blog post.

Try izi – LMS for Confluence for free

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