Meet Aimee, a savvy data analyst who loves using spreadsheets daily. Recently, Aimee’s company switched to Confluence Cloud, and she wants to complete her latest project directly in the Atlassian…

Subtasks on are powerful tools for breaking down complex projects into manageable steps. They go beyond simple checklists, allowing you to store important information such as deadlines and budgets….

Learn how to build a report with pull request size statistics in terms of lines of code and commits made during the specified period.

Using SQL queries to obtain commit statistics from Bitbucket can provide more flexibility in solving custom use cases than REST API. However, Bitbucket Data Center doesn’t store commits in the…

In this article, we’ll describe two ways to get pull request Cycle Time / Lead Time for Bitbucket Data Center using the Awesome Graphs for Bitbucket app. What Pull Request Cycle…

SonarQube is a popular automatic code review tool used to detect bugs and vulnerabilities in the source code through static analysis. While the Community Edition is free and open-source, the…

Our world today develops like a flash and is highly data-driven. That’s why you must rise to the modern world’s challenges by adapting to the opportunities at hand. Speaking of…